Take advantage of my proven

Healthy Mind-Body Training


12 Week Support To Help You Stay on Track

includes  Virtual Gastric Band programme


13 + 7 =

Start Your Journey Here…


Healthy Mind Body Weight Loss Training 

Reset Your Mind Gradually, Naturally & Effectively – Develope New Healthier Eating Behaviour  
And Effectively Reduce Your Weight and Keep It Off Permanently 
See below….

I worked with Sue a couple of years ago and I wanted to wait for at least 2 years before I shared my experience as it is usually within 1-2 years that I tend to put the weight back on, plus extra.  I did the programme with Sue not with the intention to lose weight during the programme but rather to reprogramme my belief system and thought patterns so I would finally stop sabotaging myself (my pattern since a very young girl as I was a ballet dancer and my weight and my body were always under scrutiny and in a way formed a large part of my identity).

(Within) a couple of months I’d STOPPED dieting, I’d STOPPED depriving myself, I’d STOPPED not eating carbs, chocolates, chippies etc and I STARTED losing weight in a gentle way.

I didn’t have an awful lot to lose but over the next 9 months or so I lost more weight than I had intended and I am still at that weight and loving every second of being in this body of mine. I can finally buy clothes not only to ‘make me look thinner’, but clothes I love and appreciate and enjoy wearing.

The change that Sue helped me create in my life has no price and I am forever grateful I discovered her.

*Results may differ

Laurel MacKowen

“This programme is so much more than weight loss*… 

It not only teaches you how to change how you think and behave with and around food. It can also have a positive, flow on, effect on your life.*

*Results may differ


“It’s Life Changing!”

A Natural, Effective and Safe Way to kick the cravings, snacking, binging, large portions, etc.
and gain greater confidence and energy, improve health outcomes, and lose that unwanted weight!

Are YOU Ready to Transform Yourself? 

Often clients say they have much more energy and feel better about themselves. They feel more positive and motivated to achieve this goal, and also other goals in their life. They really do feel transformed!

This could be you… You too can gain these benefits! 

I have helped hundrededs of clients with my Unique 12 Week Healthy Mind-Body Challenge…

It is not a diet! You are not depriving yourself. You just eat much smaller quantities!
Client’s have said, when they first talk to me, that it’s like having two “people” in their head! One wants to lose weight, the other keeps sabotaging them. Does this sound familiar?
This programme can help you retrain your subconscious mind, reset it so it works in harmony with what you consciously want – lose weight – making it far easier for you to shed those kilos.  

Once we get the “two people in your head” work together, you’ll find you won’t even want unhealthy food and/or drinks. Many of my clients are surprised at just how easy it is to gently and naturally reset their mind. 

Check out this article and video:  ‘Virtual’ gastric band helps desperate people to shed kilos. This can be you! You can give yourself that extra edge and transform your life. 

* Mel's Feedback and more...

This was so much more than weight loss!  

Starting my journey on this (VGB programme) which I thought was all about weight loss. How wrong I was!

My relationship with food was unhealthy, fraught with binge eating and feeling guilty for overeating!  Feeling helpless to change!  I tried every diet going, the promise of losing weight with a pill, a shake or a funny looking band for my thighs, yip I tried it all!  Nothing seemed to work for me (long term)!  If I didn’t lose weight in the first two days I would quit and think ‘stuff it’, I may as well eat all of those biscuits!  I do the shopping so I used to buy all the bad food!  And I was teaching my kids the same bad habits as mine.

I used to be slim in my 20’s, but once I had kids it all changed, tiredness kicked in and sugar became my friend for a quick fix!  My weight pulled on from there!  I hated myself 😢.

I had heard about the virtual gastric band on the radio, sitting in Auckland traffic on my way to work!  This really appealed to me, sounded non-invasive and attractive to a surgery phobia ridden girl like me!

Then I was cleaning a friend’s house and noticed her weight loss and asked her what she had being doing!  The conversation on the virtual gastric band then happened! So I quizzed her more and asked where one would get this done etc!  Sue Wood’s number was handed to me and wham I called and made an appointment to see Sue from Alpha Hypnosis.

The day came for my first session, I was excited and full of hope, I was finally going to be my ideal weight!  In no time at all I would be 20 kilos lighter! But as I found out, this was so much more than weight loss! It was about changing my thoughts deep within and learning about why I over eat!  This was not going to be a quick fix.

I had my ups and downs during the Christmas new-year period, when I came to a very heady realisation “this was a life-long journey and not a lose weight quick fix”.

Turning my negative food thoughts into positive ones and being ok with three small meals a day took some retraining, but now I finally feel like I’m on the right track to success!  It was a lot more than just being about food tho. It was about breaking the destructive thoughts inside my head of failure and ‘stuff- it’ thoughts took some retraining!

I have completed seven sessions with Sue and feel wonderful, positive and definitely more confident to continue!  I will smash my goals, it may take a little longer than first thought, but I’m ok with that! I don’t feel hungry anymore and I’m not reaching for the sweet food for energy, I get all I need from my three small meals a day!  I walk my dog every morning and have plenty of energy!

My thoughts around food have changed into positive ones. This really was all about changing my negative thoughts into positive ones.

This really has been a journey of enlightenment and being kind to myself is my main goal, the rest will follow! Thank you Sue for our sessions!

Mel 😊

Results may differ

This was so much more than weight loss #2

This was so much more than weight loss. It was about changing my thoughts deep within and learning about why I over eat!

This was not going to be a quick fix. I had my ups and downs during the Christmas new-year period and I came to a very heady realisation “this was a life-long journey and not just a lose weight ‘quick fix’.

  …  I don’t feel hungry anymore and I’m not reaching for the sweet food for energy, I get all I need from my three small meals a day!

I walk my dog every morning and have plenty of energy! My thoughts around food have changed into positive ones. This really was all about changing my negative thoughts into positive ones.

SJ Wellington

* Results may differ

I’ve reduce my portion size by 50%… and stopped snacking* 

I’ve reduced 6 kgs, my clothes are looser and I’ve gone down a full dress size.  I have a much more positive mind now and have reset my mind around food and snacking. I’ve reduce my portion size by 50% and, whereas I used to have a muffin every day, I have stopped snacking except about once a month when I choose to share a muffin with my girlfriend.  I really understand that I can do this now and I will get there (to my goal weight).  I’m very pleased with how this programme has gone.

CP Auckland

*Results may differ

This has blown me away*

Wow! I can’t believe it! After just one week, the only “snack” I’ve had was half of a cake that I shared with my girlfriend. This is a big deal for me as I used to scoff snacks and food from 10am – 4pm every day. I’ve tired every diet under the sun and wasted so much money, when it was all in my mind!  I feel so much happier and positive, after beating myself up every time I snacked or ate big meals and those were every night!  No wonder I never felt hungry. I know I have just started, but this has really blown me away.

AK Auckland

*Results may differ

(This) has helped me realise that I will no longer fail…*

Hypnotherapy helped me realise that I will no longer fail and that I will SUCCEED and I got a higher benefit from (Virtual Gastric Band) than I expected. It is a tool I highly recommend and credit highly! I have found unbelievable energy, confidence, drive and passion for my life again, and the motivation I feel now, to get on and live my life & achieve my goals, is great! I found (the programme) to be the ideal tool to assist me and give me the motivation to choose healthier choices and get me closer to achieving my goals. And I no longer feel the need to finish the bag of biscuits as soon as they’re open?  

I have even stopped chewing my nails, which I have done for about 20 years!*  

C DeS, Argentina

* Results may differ

One of the best decisions I have made" and more...

…one of the best decisions I have made, concerning my health, in years.*

After being to the doctors and realising I needed to do something about my weight, to improve my health, I contacted Sue Wood at Alpha Hypnosis. This was one of the best decisions I have made, concerning my health, in years.

I could not believe after my first session how little I needed to eat to feel satisfied. I have not felt the need to snack between meals, which was what I have previously done. One of the things that was a surprise, was that I can still eat the things I like.

What I have found is I have no desire to eat some food that I once could not resist. I am now so much more aware of when I have had enough and I can stop eating.

I really enjoy doing my daily exercise. My knees and hip are not hurting the way they once did. I also have more energy.

Sue is always so positive and makes me realise I am doing really well and I will continue to.

Thank you, Sue, for your amazing support.

Teacher, Auckland

* Results may differ

It’s been an amazing turn around!*

I used to think about food all the time, so what surprised me is that since starting with Sue Wood and the Virtual Gastric Band, I don’t think about food anymore.

I’ve lost 2.4kgs this week!  I find the 3 small meals a day really satisfy me. I’ve had the very occasional snack, way smaller than before, but no “cravings” like I had before.  Snacking was a big issue for me previously.  I would sit on the coach and eat my way through a packet of biscuits. Now I just have one IF I feel like it.

I like that this is not depriving me of foods that I like, I just have much smaller quantities. I haven’t really wanted biscuits, so only eat them very occasionally.

I chose to park further away from the school now and walk to pick the kids up. Then I take them to the park, and while they’re playing I do some pull ups on the bars, then afterwards we do a big walk around the park. It’s great! Those walks have been huge for us and the kids love it. They get back home really happy and revitalized, not tired at all!  It’s really benefitted them in so many ways.  They’re spending quality time with me, getting lots of fresh air and chatting about their day. And when we get home they don’t want to blob on the couch like we used to. My son wants to help me get dinner, and my daughter gets her scooter out.

The kids also have a much better mind set, because I have too. I’m much more positive about things. It’s a big deal.

When I look back I realise I used to eat the portion size of a grown man, maybe two!  Since the start of this programme, I’ve had much smaller and healthier meals. I’ve done a complete about turn. I’m really feeling so positive. I’m much more in control of my eating.  I feel really good about it. And it’s been so easy because I’ve had so much energy.  I’m surprisingly more energetic.

I’m not really a morning person, but as soon as I wake up I listen to the (support) audio, have a drink of water, a small breakfast and then I have a good day! Days haven’t been this good for a long time, not smooth like I’m having now.

Plus, I used to suffer from depression, so my days were not too good or pretty awful. Now I feel good or very good every day!  It’s been an amazing turn around! I would never have picked it would be so powerful, and in so many different ways.

Mum of two, Auckland

* Results may differ

Other comments… 

  • I went into the supermarket and it wasn’t until I was unpacking my shopping that I realised that I hadn’t bought any chocolate or chips!  It just didn’t occur to me to buy it, and I don’t feel the urge to eat that sort of food at all.*
  • I feel much more motivated, and I’m losing weight. I’m feeling so much better, a lot more energy. I just feel so much fitter and healthier.*
  • I can’t believe it! I was addicted to energy drinks, and I’ve completely stopped buying them. I don’t even miss them at all.*
  • I can’t believe how easy it was to cut down my portion side and stop snacking*
  • “I was shocked when I realised how much I used to eat. this has completely changed my mind around.”

* Results may differ

More about the psychology of the Virtual Gastric Band
With my Virtual Gastric Band Life Change programme.. you are guided to tap into your inner “driver” – your subconscious mind – and the processes help you release unwanted weight while enjoying a very pleasant hypnosis relaxation. This helps you to have both parts of your mind working together – pulling in the same direction – which makes it much easier to eat smaller meals, rejecting snacks, sugary drinks, etc. so you slowly and naturally get rid of those unwanted kilos and give you a greater sense of control. You feel free!

Would it help you to get rid of that unwanted weight if you felt like that? If you really want to get rid of those extra kilos your answer is likely to be yes!  And studies and research into hypnosis for weight loss have proved that it is not only effective for getting rid of unwanted weight, but also of keeping it off long term. The Virtual Gastric Band developed by Sheila Granger, one of the UK’s leading hypnotherapists. After developing the VGB programme Sheila started with a free group trial of 25 overweight people of various sizes and weights. Here’s what Sheila says about that trail…

“Given that the treatment was not to be personalised, I had envisaged perhaps only a 40% success rate, believing that group treatment might dilute its effectiveness. I saw the group for just three one-hour sessions. I was astounded to record that the group lost a total of over 14 Stone (90 kilos) between them – in only three weeks – and all but one reported a change in their eating habits. This equates to an average of 14.58 lbs (3.75 kilos)” 

Since the initial trial, Sheila developed the programme further so it is now 4 sessions that form the basic programme. This is the only VGB programme to have been the subject a clinical study. Sheila has been working from a GP’s surgery and she has conducted a further trial for one of the doctors there.  Ten patients were taken, some of whom had been refused gastric surgery due to financial constraints imposed by the NHS. Again, the programme was found to produce positive results, this time for nine out of the ten patients.

With feedback from our clients and my own weight loss journey we have developed this into a Life Change programme. Many clients wanted or needed longer support, so we have developed this new programme, to give you the support you need to see you though your weight loss journey.  
Read more about client successes & research regarding hypnotherapy & weight loss 

What Dr Oz had to say about weight loss

It’s not your fault!

Some time ago, TV’s Dr. Oz was talking about hypnotherapy and weight loss. On that programme, his guest was Paul McKenna, Author and trainer who uses hypnotherapy and NLP to help people. Paul McKenna explained how hypnotherapy can make it much easier for you to lose weight.

Dr Oz explained that there are two patterns that Paul McKenna thinks keeps everyone from being trim….

  • Emotional Eating – this is when you eat when you are lonely, bored, upset, frustrated, etc. We call it ‘Head Hunger”.
  • Obsessive Dieting – you try every diet that you can think of: high protein; low fat; high fat; low carb; weight loss pills; etc, etc.  All you can think about is dieting… and eating.  You can start a diet on Monday, and within 2-3 days  you eat something not allowed in your diet, and the diet goes out the window until the next time.

These are psychological patterns, so that when you can’t stick to your diet it can lead to negative feelings of guilt, anger and frustration. You no longer feel in control of your eating or your life. Can you relate tho this? 

It’s likely to have happened gradually, probably over a few or many years. This is NOT your fault!  It’s sort of “snuck up” on you over the years, and by the time you realised you were overweight, the old habits had become embedded into your subconscious mind.

How my Health Mind-Body programme (incorporating the Virtual Gastric Band) can really help you to reducing  weight – and keep it off long-term! 

This programme helps you address your past relationship with food and helps you resolve those issues, and gives you longer support to see you though.

This is not a “quick fix” or a “magic wand”.  If that’s what you want, you’ve come to the wrong place. And you’ve probably tried lots of those types of ‘diets’ and programmes before anyway? And where has it got you, if you still need to lose weigh?

Lower your expectations – this is not a “lose 12 kgs in 10 week”. I don’t make those type of hyped up marketing claims. This is about the two of us working together. I bring my expertise and knowledge to our sessions, plus provide weekly journals, support audios and videos, plus other support. And as I can’t be with you 24/7, some of it is up to you.

No one’s journey is perfect. Mine wasn’t and life isn’t perfect either! It’s messy. We all have a few slip-ups along the way. We put them behond us and, going at our own pace, that’s perfectly OK! 

E.g.  one client, on her 5th session, said “I’ve blown it this week, I’ve been terrible!” She wasquite distressed, as she’d been fine up until then. Turns out she has 2 major family events (a 60th wedding anniversary & a 40th birthday) over two evenings. On discussing it with her I discovered out of 21 meals that week she’d only eaten 2 (slightly) larger meals. So 19 out of 21 meals that week were fine! And the meals were nowhere near what she would have eaten before starting her VGB programme!  It was working for her! She left the office with a big smile on her face. She was no longer “beating herself up” as she’d done in the past. 

The main thing is to pick yourself up, get back on ttrack and keep going.

Yes, you will need to make some conscious decisions, take responsibility to schedule in time to listen to the support audios each day, do the challenges, etc. until it you have bedded in those new habits to eat smaller quantities and no longer turn to food as a remedy if you are stressed, upset, bored, etc. 

This is a serious life changing programme and everyone’s journey on it is different.  

Oprah magazine - How effective is hypnosis for weight loss
“When it comes to losing weight, you already know about the usual go-to professionals: doctors, nutritionists and dietitians, personal trainers, even mental health coaches. But there may be one you haven’t quite thought of yet: a hypnotist.

It turns out using hypnosis is another road people are venturing down in the name of weight loss. And typically, it’s traveled after all the other last-ditch efforts (I see you, juice cleanses and fad diets) are tried and failed, says Greg Gurniak, a certified clinical and medical hypnotist practicing in Ontario.

But it’s not about someone else controlling your mind and making you do funny things while you’re unconscious. “Mind control and losing control—aka doing something against your will—are the biggest misconceptions about hypnosis,” says Kimberly Friedmutter, hypnotherapist and author of Subsconscious Power: Use Your Inner Mind to Create the Life You’ve Always Wanted. “Because of how the entertainment industry portrays hypnotists, people are relieved to see I’m not wearing a black robe and swinging a watch from a chain.”

Read more….

My 12 Week Healthy Mind-Body programme includes the following…

  • 12 Sessions 
  • 5 Support Audios
  • Your own Journey and Gratitude Journal, with your Personal Planner
  • Much greater support than other VGB programmes
  • My Personal Support throughout your 12 week journey… and beyond* 

* Conditions apply


You chose which programme would suit you best…

1. Personalised programme

This is conducted one to one with me – online or in our Henderson office

2. Group Online programme

Starting Soon

NOTE: Time payment is available on programmes
Hypnotherapy with a client

Not sure which would be best for you? Or maybe you’d like to talk with me or have some questions?

I offer a free phone or in office consultation to check if this programme could work for you, and answer any questions personally. Then, if you’d like to go ahead, we can discuss which option would suit you best.

About Sue Wood… In 2014 Sue trained personally with the UK pioneer of the Virtual Gastric Band programme.

Sue found the Virtual Gastric Band programme has not only assisted her to lose weight (nearly 20 kilos overall*) and it has helped many of her clients. Check out her photos >>>

She can assist with many issues around your weight. 

  • You crave sweet biscuits / chocolates or sweet drinks etc.
  • You eat when you’re upset / bored / sad / angry, etc.
  • And once you started eating maybe you feel you can’t stop?
  • Maybe you seem to eat more in the winter, or maybe when you have your period?
  • You may worry about not getting enough food to stop feeling hungry or getting food cravings?

Maybe you settled down, got into a relationship, had children and slowly the weight increased. Perhaps you weren’t as active as you were when you were younger? Perhaps you continued to eat like a teenager? Or, it may have been that you’ve had a situation in the past where your subconscious mind believed that you needed to “protect” yourself by putting on additional weight. This may occurred without you even realising it consciously. Whatever the reason, you are now overweight; your mind is out of balance around food.

As this behaviour comes from your subconscious mind, this Virtual Gastric Band Life Change programme can help you reset your mind and get it back into balance, so you no longer crave certain food or drink, snack when not hungry or eat huge meals. It can help you reduce portion size, reduce or stop snacking and sugary drinks and move your body more. This really is a life changing programme!

* Results may differ


Read more about Sue’s own weight loss journey with the Virtual Gastric Band...

“I have been a hypnotherapist for pver 25 years, and specialising in weight loss for the last 10 years. I personally trained with the UK developer of the Virtual Gastric Band in 2014 and was very impressed with the programme. After helping a number of clients with this programme I decided, as I was helping others lose weight with it, I’d better use it myself as my weight had crept up to over 86 kilos, and I was obese even though I kept fairly fit and active.

Since starting the VGB I’ve got reduce onearly 20 kgs, overall. Initally 16.5 kilos first, then more later.* 

On this programme, I found it very easy and simple to reduce my food intake, knock off the snacking and increase my exercise. And I have stayed on track for the last 6 years. 

* Results may differ

Hypnotherapy can help YOU get rid of that unwanted weight… and keep it off

Why is losing weight (and keeping it off) much easier using hypnotherapy? 

To achieve a reduction in your weight there may be three points that need to be addressed:

  1. Your Eating/Drinking Habits
  2. Moving Your Body
  3. Your Mindset

And the point that most diet and gym programmes don’t address is the 3rd – your mindset. That is where Hypnotherapy and this programme specializes, and it make sense to make change there, doesn’t it! Oue 12 Week Healthy Mind-Body programme can help you with weight management/weight loss in a number of different ways…

Watch this space...
  • Transform the way you think about food
  • Reduce stress and help you relax
  • Help you reset your mind, and get it back into balance
  • Gentle processes to change the way you think
  • Strengthen your motivation to eat / drink healthier
  • Increase your motivation to exercise
  • Feel so much better about yourself
  • Overcome hidden obstacles that stop you keeping weight off
  • All of this is reinforced during this programme

It is important that you maintain a positive outlook about achieving your goal and being willing to make conscious healthy life choices. To be willing to do whatever it takes to reach your desired outcome.

What about using a audio from the internet for hypnosis weight loss?

You need to be aware that any audio like this can only ever be very general.  It can’t pinpoint the triggers that “drive” your eating habits and/or lack of motivation to exercise.  And they are the ones your personalised Virtual Gastric Band programme will help you deal with.

Sue Wood - Alpha Hypnosis & Healthy Mind Body Training

Invest in your future now!

TEXT Sue on 0223571787 or call 09-9377877 now to book your free consultation

We conduct all programmes online 

Alpha Hypnosis
180 Lincoln Road

(09) 8377 877

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