
Hypnotherapy Research Links

Brain power

How Does Hypnosis Compare to Other Forms of Therapy?

Compared to other forms of therapy, hypnosis is the obvious choice for many issues. Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. reviewed the overall lasting success of various psychological approaches. This study revealed the following success rates.

  • Hypnotherapy – 93% success rate after six sessions
  • Behavior Therapy – 72% success rate after 22 sessions
  • Psychotherapy – 38% success rate after 600 sessions

Hypnotherapy is recognised a viable alternative to drugs by the UK and USA Medical Associations, as well as top organizations around the world.

Hypnosis Research

More and more research is being done albeit, in the medical realm where the substantial funding required to conduct evidential research in available.

Peter Whorwell BSc BS MD PhD FRCP currently at Manchester University has developed a treatment to improve Irritable Bowel Syndrome. They also use Hypnotherapy to treat IBS with  at the Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester. And the Mayo Clinic USA uses Hypnotherapy for pain relief. And some Health Insurance companies in Australia will cover Hypnotherapy sessions.

It is important to understand that not only is Hypnotherapy safe and natural, it is widely being reported as having many beneficial outcomes.

Interesting Links to articles, research and other NZ & World Hypnotherapists…

USA Clinic – Hypnotherapy may offer relief with: Pain Control; Hot Flashes; Behaviour Change E.g. Insomnia, smoking cessation; weight loss; cancer treatment side effects; Mental health conditions E.g. Anxiety, Phobias, PTSD, Stress, etc.


  • British NHS – Hypnotherapy may offer relief from IBS symptoms
  • UK Daily Mail NHS Link
    Daily Mail – Hypnosis should be used in the NHS to save millions of pounds.
  • UK Times Link
    The Times – How hypnosis can soothe anxiety and depression